Friday, May 31, 2013

Sick Time Mantra

I love the Carole Young and TDC!
I love UTMB and CMC!
In an ill way
They each love me.

What better place to be sick
Than a nice little cozy infirmary
Surrounded by warm, loving, caring,
Healthcare professionals?

Why stay home
Making life miserable
For your loved ones,
Risking them to infection?

Why stress out
Your already short handed,
Overworked, underpaid,
Miserable coworkers?

Most certainly,
Why miss out on
The overtime and shift diff?
Just come to work!

Rack up the time and the pay
For a better day!
In the end it just doesn't pay
To stay home sick.

Neither does loyalty.
Truthfully, in the end,
Money talks and
The bullshit walks.


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