Monday, June 26, 2006

Perfection, Part II

I have witnessed perfection rising
In the east in the summer morn.
The unblemished and fiery orange red orb of
The sun when it's not too brilliant to gaze into.
Only a few brief minutes as the sphere climbs
Onto a flawless canvas of the morning sky's
Pinks and purples and reds and blues
And all the hues blended together.
I stop and admire the sunrise, dynamic
And perfect and not blazing so as
To hurt my eyes. This gift from
God just for me and just for this morning.

Perfection, Part I

I have held perfection in my hands,
As pure as only God can create.
I have looked into the eyes of perfection
As she first opened them to her imperfect world
And we gazed one into the other.
I have heard perfection in the
Music of her seemingly helpless cries.
She wriggled in my arms as I held
Her close to my beating heart and
I felt her life force breathe upon my cheek.
I placed my ear to her, soft and warm, and
I listened to the symphony of her heartbeat and gentle breath.
She, so perfect and pure; her mother
And I merely the tools and materials for
The creation of this miracle for us.


My mind's closing doors,
I'm going to be somebody now.
I'm closing the doors of negativity
And all that is not good and unhealthy.
My mind is opening the doors of positivism
And all that is good and well.
Mind and body and spirit free,
Free of all that would burden me.
Emancipated from strife and unpleasantness
And hate and melancholiness and all that.
I am peace and joy and love and
Happiness and all that is good.
Free your mind and
Your ass will follow.

Monday, June 12, 2006

My Name Is Ruphie

My name is Ruphie,
I'm burning a hole in your pocket.
I'm just dying to get out of here
So you won't have to be lonely anymore.

My name is Ruphie,
You finger fuck me as you scope out the room,
So size up your target, send me in,
Then just stand back and watch.

My name is ruphie,
I'm just a real good time packed
Into a little pill and you won't
Have to remember me the next morn.