Monday, November 11, 2013

Love By The Lava Lamp

Our sweet and tender love.
Making gentle love with you,
Our bodies bathe in the blue hue
Of the lava lamp in our bed room.

The white wax within expands
Heating up and rising, then
Cooling down and falling
Setting measure and time to our union.

Our spread out, played out bodies
Radiate a passion warming bed
And surrounding space. Awash in the blue hue
Of the lava lamp in our bed room.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Choose To Be Nude

I choose to be nude
Free and unencumbered
Of the judgements of those
Confused with their views
Of nudity and clothes.

I am unyoked of the textile lies
And falsities and labels.
I am blessed by God given
Perfection and I wear
My scars with pride.

I shine outward
Emancipated and free,
Healthy and accepted just for me.
Not ashamed to be human,
Not ashamed to be me.

I choose to be nude
And I surround myself
With those who choose likewise.
We're family, friends and neighbors
And all we have to do is take off our clothes.

My 9/11 Poem

In the blink of an eye
And a flash of smoke and fire
The city skyline changed
And the whole world with it.
After that day
Nothing would be the same
Ever again.
After the burning towers crashed
And the dust had settled
And the damage assessed
And the names
And the stories set straight;
Then the real hurt set in.
The eagle's claw clutching
The olive branch relaxed a bit
And the claw clutching
The arrows tightened some.
What were they thinking?
Perhaps they anticipated
A different reaction?
A seemingly secure nation
Shook off its complacency
And sons and daughters
Geared themselves up for war.
Nothing has been the same
After that day.

One's Perception Is One's Reality

My perception
Is my reality.
So it all started
In the hottub
Beneath the grapefruit tree
In the backyard.
Perhaps it was
My rescue?
All depends upon
One's perception.
The reality
Of point of view,

Dia De Los Muertos

The one time of the year
When the veil 'tween our world
And theirs is just thin enough
To be pierced by the ones
We love and are loved by.

Guided back by the scents
Of marigold and favorite foods
And the flavor of favorite drinks;
Enjoyed again at homemade altars
And at their places of eternal rest.

Allowed by God,
Just for a day or two,
To return only briefly
To the world of the living.
Just for a day or two.

Then they return to the afterlife
And to loving memory
For another year until
The veil 'tween our worlds
Is just thin enough again.