Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dana's Big Blue Dildo

Soft blue latex
Thick and veined
And circumcised
And always ready
Almost like me.

Not as warm obviously
And not connected.
It's the one way
She's allowing herself
Any degree of pleasure now.

No measure for intimacy
Or cuddling or anything else.
Just taking her there
Over the edge and that's all.

We played with toys and such.
I'd buy them for her pleasure,
For our pleasure. Anything
To spice up our sex life.

It's certainly filling her up
And more certain
Leaving her empty - afterwards.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Let Them Fly!

Hot irons and sharp knives falling,
Even dull knives.
Let them drop,
Let them fly.
Leave them alone
And let them land
Where they may.
Don't try to catch them!
Trust me.
I have the scars.

Watching The Sun Set

At work and watching the sun set
As I used to when I was 17 or so.
Just a few minutes in my routine
To take in the beauty of mother nature
And letting it send me down memory lane.
I think about my daughters and myself.
Now, they are working.
Do they take a few moments to watch the sunset
As their father does now?
They're the same age as I was then.
This daily gift from God
I'm just enjoying,
Just for a few moments,
Then back to my routine.