Good For What?!
I'm good for parenting and
For work and for a good time,
But not much else.
I don't make for the best of husbands,
She certainly deserves better.
I don't always go to church
Or visit the in-laws or my own family,
But I do pray for them every day.
I make for a decent enough friend,
When I want to.
I am loyal and loving and as truthful
As I can be. I do my best
With who I am and with what I have.
God and family and friends do come first,
Then if there's anything left, myself.
It's just juggling it all
And finding the right balance.
I tell it like it is as I see it,
Maybe even too much so.
I am patient and I can endure
And I am nothing but love.
Loving me can be hard, it isn't easy,
But loving my grandfathers
Could be difficult also and
The older I get, the more I see myself
Becoming as they are.
I think they're great guys
So I guess I'm good for something?