Friday, January 31, 2014


"You have a very nice cock."
She says as I cum.
Certain details I recall.
The warmth, the sun on our skin.
Smell of the salty sea air
And her sunscreen lotion.
The white noise of the waves
Gently brushing up and down
On the southeast Texas seashore.
Seagulls above us and
The sand beneath our feet.
I remember their red pickup truck,
Her surgically enhanced tits
With the perky almond nipples.
Her name was Carrie, I think;
The one detail I don't recall.
Wasn't my first time,
Nor will it be my last
Carnal tryst on the nude beach.


My heart, mind,
Body, and soul
Are weighed down heavily
By the years and the tears
And the fears.
A lot of truistic water
Has flowed under
The proverbial bridge.
I'm looking to renew myself.
Recharge, rejuvenate, revitalize,
Perhaps reinvent myself.
Restore that which I have lost.
Refreshing the passions
And rekindling the fires.
One foot in front of the other
And one day at a time,
Taking it all in stride.
I trot along, no longer running
But in short tempered sprints
For short and sometimes longer distances.
The road goes on and
I continue my journey on it.

Monday, January 06, 2014

The Ties That Bind

You can choose your friends
And perhaps your mate or spouse.
But you cannot choose
Your family or children.

The ties that bind
May be loosened,
But not entirely severed;
Consciously or otherwise.

The Contract

Marriage is a contract
Having little, if anything,
To do with love.
Love MAY grow
From seeds planted in marriage
And marriage MAY
Succeed because of love.
A contract born more of lust
Than love and not always
Thoroughly thought out.
Some are founded in friendship,
Others because of necessity,
And many for reasons unknown
To the parties involved.

Playing In The Purple

The blue and the pink
Blend into a purple.

Almost exclusively in the blue,
I wasn't in the pink.

I'm flexible, feeling out,
Growing into the purple,

Now more comfortable
And accepting of myself.

A little older and wiser
And a whole lot less in denial.

Just being me
Without judging or labeling.

Just being truly human,
Just being truly me.

Tia's Tia

One morning she woke up
Numb on one side and
Unable to move.
My Tia had a tia.
She's better now.


More free than
You are willing to believe
Even in a penitentary.

Waiting for redemption,
A rehabilitation which can only
Come from inside the self.

Free on the inside
Despite the outside,
Despite the self.

Self Compassion

When you fuck up,
Forgive yourself
And forge on.

Don't dwell on the
Woulda, shoulda, couldas.
What's done is done.

Learn the lesson
And chalk it up to
Life and experience.

Express your sorrow and remorse
But do move on and forward
Unto another day.

An Assay

Gay for the day
Gay for the pay
Gay for the stay
Gay for a lay
Gay just to play
But not gay as a way.