Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Plant A Tree, Plant A Hope

I remember those trees
When they were
Newly planted saplings
Now more than 20 years ago.

Where was treeless and plain
Has been planted a living and
Growing hope, in symmetrical rows,
For tomorrows to come.

I've watched those trees grow
As I have watched my daughters grow.
The living growing hope
For our tomorrows to come.



Alice with malice
Who lives in a palace
And shits in the yard!

She's puppy wuppy,
Puppylicious and knows
How to ruin a moment.

54lbs. of pudgy
Pit bull mixed
With whatever.

Amy found her
Abandoned on a nearby
Street 3 years or so ago.

Now we have her
In our home and

Lonliest Place In The World

The lonliest place in the world
Is our very own home
When we argue and
Avoid each other.

It's good that we
Have a large house,
Lots of space
And many rooms.

You go to one end
And I go to another.
Plenty of space and
Two bathrooms.

But that doesn't solve
Anything in the end.
Just means the two of us
Alone in a large house.

Order Of The Labyrinth

Initially it looks
Like a maze,
But it isn't.
There's nothing confusing
About it at all.
Only a beautiful order
To its lines and curves.
No chaos there.

I contemplate the one way in
And the one way out,
Just like our lives
Between our births and deaths.
The paths and the turns
We live and the total
About faces we do.
A mirror of our choices and living.

I meditate upon the right turns and
The not so right turns I've taken.
Both the long straighter ways without
Deviations and the shorter ones
Quickly clipped which
We sometimes live.
Some are short and others long
Like days we'll have.

Our days and our ways
Reflected in its path.
Along with lifes twists and turns.
Our seasons divided
And the one unbroken line
Connecting it all together.
My days, my ways, my path,
My self reflected in this labyrinth.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Once More, Again

One of these days,
I hope and pray,
Once more locked in the embrace
Of your arms and legs.

One of these days
We'll delight in the joys
Of our bodies and
Ourselves again.

Simply for what we offer
Each other and
For old times sake, as before.
No regrets, just once more, again.

Sometimes, Some People

Sometimes in life
You'll need another man's wife
Just as she'll need another woman's husband.
Some people may not need
Spouses of their own,
Just one on loan
From time to time.
They get along just fine.

A single man or woman
For husband or wife
But a married man or woman
For friendship and an
Occasional good time.
Any occasion, any time,
And because we each want
To stay with our spouses.

What's good for the goose
Is good for the gander
And I thought the cows would
Appreciate it if the bulls grazed
In another pasture
Every now and then
And share and share alike,
Or so I've heard before.

Neither a borrower
Nor a lender be but
Not for me regarding
My spouse or my self;
Just respectfully tenderly treat
Each and every one.
Only the consenting ones
And there are plenty of them!

Down At The Bay Motel

Just another day at the Bay Motel
Leslie on the corner trying to make it pay.
Connie crashed out in her house
Resting up from last night's play.
Trick slowly cruising up and down
Looking to pay for a lay.
Small time thug on a bicycle
Cruising around like he was large.
Wanna be pimp in a borrowed car.
Part time player on the down low
He does men and women both.

An almost last resort of broken hearts and broken dreams,
Broke down bodies from broke down schemes.
Lost souls hoping for rescue and redemption
In cheap bodies providing cheaper thrills.
Hunters and the hunted mixed with the creeps and freaks,
Predators and prey and the local police.
Vice trying to clean up complaints from the community.
Small studio rooms with single baths
For weekly or monthly rent
Paid with just your body and soul
Down at the Bay Motel.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dreams In Their Nests

A little bit after waking
The vivid dreams fly from my memory
Like a flock of wild birds
Startled from their nests and perches.
They're there only briefly,
Then gone along
Their way.

Tealights In The Early Morning

24 tea lights
Scattered in the blue room
Along with an assortment
Of votives and pillars
Bathing the room
In the delicate flicker
Of the gentle flames.

White Zinfandel In The Candlelight

Sweet pink sutter home white zinfandel
In the candlelight and sweeter memories
Of Denise and out in California,
A lifetime ago it seems.

I wonder how she is
And what she's doing now?
How have the last
26 years treated her?

A lot has happened
Over those years.
A lot of growing
And changing.

I'm certain she's beautiful.
Oh, her timeless and flawless beauty;
As on that day when
I first laid eyes on her.

My memories are still there
And not so faded, only
Treasured more and more
With the passing years.

Would Be Nice

A fuck buddy would be nice.
A blow job would be nice right now.
A nice understanding and accepting couple
To play with would be nice.
Friendship first and foremost
And discretion and respect a must.
That would be nice!

Steam Off My Stream

A tiny wisp of steam
Rises from the
Warm lemon yellow stream
Of pee I piss
Outside on a cold winter morning
Only to dissipate
Into the cold air.

Heat In The Morning

The warmth from
My hot and hungry swollen cock
In hand in the morning
As I'm just waking up.

Enflamed with my never ending desire
For you, I roll over and reach
For the joys and pleasures
Asleep beside me.

We gently wake from
Our slumber together
And we embrace.
You're smiling.

Time Off Together

You work days monday thru friday,
I work nights shift work.
We spend only our weekends
And my nights off together.

Day to day
We work our way
Combining our labors
And building a future.

Our vacation days and nights
Together we prep.
We're getting ready
For our retirement together.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


We're not so dissimilar,
You and I.
Our differences - together
Make us richer
And give us power.

Our combined and appreciated
Strengths break down
The barriers others,
Not we,
Have built between us.

We educate ourselves and each other,
We learn and understand one another
And we build bridges, strengthening bonds.
We overcome fears and hatreds
And old lies - together.

Equal and strong and united
Not because we're all the same,
But because we understand and
Appreciate each other
And our differences.

No labeling each other
Or judging each other
Or holding onto prejudices;
But living the natural truths
In us, for us, by us - together.

I Truly Am

Alive and truly living,
Not just existing.
Thriving and not just surviving
Day to day, I grow!

I live! I love!
I create! I think!
I feel! I move!
I am!


Don't let our differentness
Get in the way
Of our living and loving.
For variety is the
Spice of life!

The Devil Dances And Ferguson, Missouri Burns

Don't give the devil his joy,
Don't give the devil his due.
Because the devil dances
In Ferguson, Missouri fanning
The flames of anger and hate!

Ferguson is in flames
Burning NOT from the
Fires ignited by saints
Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King
Or Dr. Hector P. Garcia.

Ferguson burns NOT
From the eternal truths of
God or Allah or Jehovah
Or Jesus or Mohammad
Or the Buddha.

Ferguson burns from
The festering hate and
Injustices STILL alive
In our day and time.
Ferguson burns!

OUR nation still sick,
OUR people still bleeding,
OUR wounds not truly
Tended to or healed.
So Ferguson burns!

If we don't live the Word
It's all just rhetoric.
Do not let their sacrifices
Be token efforts
Made in vain.

They who labored and
Paid so dear the price,
Look down from heaven
Upon the flames
Of Ferguson, Missouri.

They who planted the seeds
Which WE must nurture and tend,
Weep upon the flames.
How many more
Fergusons before we learn?

Loving The Over 50's

Loving the over 50's
Since I was in my early 20's
Those many years ago.

Wilted roses not
But blossoms blooming yet
And beauty unmarred by the years.

Loving so well and uninhibited,
Lesser hangups and far more confident
Than what younger women may offer.

Far more accepting and understanding
And with richer character to offer,
They're ready, willing, and able!

Younger women only have youth,
Which we all have for only a time.
Over 50's have extraordinary skills to appreciate!

I'll not mind their husbands or lovers
Because practice, repetition, and care
Have made perfect loving the over 50's!

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Same family feeding in the ditch
As I drive into work each evening.
I've observed them for months now.
Their plummage different shades of pink.

They continue with their meal,
Not paying me any attention
As I zip on by
Into the infimary.

Because We're Brothers

Descanso a la sombra
De su hermano.
Cuidar el uno del otro
Porque ustedes son hermanos.

My Daily Dedication/Rededication

Just as I am God
And just for today.
Just for this right here
And for this right now.

I commit myself/ recommit myself.
I dedicate myself/ rededicate myself.
I surrender myself, my endeavours,
My heart, mind, body, and soul.

All that I am and
All that I do,
To You and
Your Glory. Amen.

No Change

I almost didn't recognize you,
Havn't seen you in awhile,
And you look so much different.

You've dropped some serious pounds
And you've grown your hair out long.
Obviously you're changing some ways.

But there's no change.
No real change inside.
I know you so well.

I look in your eyes
And I see the same,
Deep within.

Open your mouth
And what comes out
Isn't any different.

Outside you look great,
You always have,
Inside you havn't grown.

Missing You Outside

In the setting sun
And the tea lights glow
Some gentle music plays.

I've heated up the hottub,
Fired up the fire pit,
And the chilled wine freely flows.

I soak alone and
Then dry besides the
Warm orange yellow flames.

You're inside and
I'm alone outside
Missing you.

A Veteran's Old Glory

She's no less bright and beautiful
And no less inspiring
Than the first time I unfurled
Her up the pole out front.

She flies ever straight and true
With her fly end a bit frayed
And her blue a little faded
And some threads are broken and worn.

We retire her for a final time
And reverently fold her once more
As we prep her for that last trip
To the local American Legion Hall.

The music and laughing inside
Falls into a solemn silence
As one veteran steps up
And gently takes her charge.

He holds her close and safe
And assures us all is well
And she'll be properly cared for
As only those who love her can.

Consigned to blessed flames
That will not burn as hot or bright
As the hearts of those who love
And served and serve her still.

Mumbled Prayers In Between

Sometimes in that state
Of not fully awake
And not fully asleep,
Somewhere in that
State of just in between.
I'll catch myself
Praying rosaries.
Mumbled Apostle's Creeds
And Our Fathers
And Hail Marys
And Glory Bes
And Fatima Prayers
And Hail Holy Queens.
Mysteries Glorious,
And Luminous
Heard just below my breath.
Then I'll wake feeling
Rested, renewed, and refreshed;
Or I'll fall into the most
Peaceful deep sleep.