Saturday, September 10, 2016


Mi casa,
Tu casa.

Mi cama,
Tu cama.

Mi cuerpo,
Tu cuerpo.

Estamos juntos.


My brothers and sisters
Because we answered
Our nation's call,
Because we served

My brothers and sisters
Not by blood of birth
But by blood spilled
Mixed with our sweat and tears
And our joys and fears.

We're bound by unbreakable bonds
Forged in a different fire and
Tested by shared trials and tribulations.
We've suffered adversities and tragedies
Together and for each other,
Crowning ourselves with our victories.

My brothers and sisters
Together there and then,
My brothers and sisters
Together here and now,
My brothers and sisters
Still serving today!

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Tranquilidad De Abuelo

I suffer a fitful slumber
With lots on my mind.

I just need a hug
And reassurance.

In my dreams
My grandfather comes.

He gives me
A great big hug!

Everything is going
To be all right

Finally I sleep
And rest peacefully.


Choosing one path
Instead of an other.

Woulda, coulda,

But I didn't
Or I wouldn't.

I didn't say yes
Or I didn't say no.

Maybe because I DID
Say yes or no?

I stayed and
I didn't go.

Perhaps because I went
And didn't stay?

I zigged and
Didn't zag.

Or zagged first
When I should have zigged?

Turned left
Instead of right.

Or maybe the
Other way around?

Took the one path
Instead of the other.

Sometimes going back
And a lot of looking back.


Sometimes I stray,
Sometimes I lose my way.
Sometimes the seemingly wrong choices
Have brought me to the right places
And it turned out
All right for the right reasons.

Loving Amy

I will love Amy,
I will hold her.

When she's happy
And full of joy.

When she's sad or mad
Silently suffering inside.

I will love Amy
Even when she doesn't want me to.

I keep loving Amy
Over any distance, any time.


Cigarette in one hand
And cellphone
In the other.

She suns herself
In a folding chair
Behind her garage.

One brief moment
There to enjoy;
Now she's gone.

Perhaps sensing my
Watching, enjoying
Her show; perhaps not?

Now she's nowhere to be seen
My backyard neighbor
Sunbathing beauty queen.

A Healthy Relationship

Voyeurs enjoy
Watching and
Exhibitionists enjoy
Being watched.

They know it,
Watching the unknowingly watched
And knowingly being watched,
Invited or not.

The thrill, the surprise,
The shock and the awe.
Oh, but for the joys
We'll share!

Together it can be
A healthy relationship,
We watchers and
We the watched.

We need
Each others'
Watching and being watched
To truly thrive.

Backyard Courtyard

A grand courtyard of
Green bamboo
Grows majestically
In our backyard
Crowned by
Royal purple
Morning glories.


Bigger windows
Would be nice.
Nice floor to ceiling ones
Facing all directions
All around.

Nice big windows
To look out of,
To open wide
Letting in a nice
Spring season breeze.

Nice big windows
To draw back
The shades and
Let  the sunlight
Flood the room.

Nice big windows
To see our world outside
And to let the world
Outside glimpse
Our world within.