Friday, October 31, 2008


My daughters have reached
A certain age now and I,
Their father, am not afraid to
Cry with them, in front of them.

I'll not falsely shield mine
From what their father feels
And experiences now.

They may not like it, but
Better they hear and see it
From their father first
Than the real world.

They will then make
Their own decisions.

Their father isn't perfect or
All knowing, far from it.
He is a man of many faults
And inherent weaknesses.

One day little girls aren't and young women are.
And it's their fathers responsibility , duty,
To cry; to cry with them, in front of them.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stealing A Kiss

For only a few moments,
We'll be entirely alone
Without being disturbed or seen.
For a short 5 second ride
Between the only two floors
Of this building .

Our arms wrap around each other
In a hasty embrace.
Your sweet breath warms my face,
Our lips connect together
For the sweet illicit taste.
In this elevator we'll steal a kiss.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Easy Come, Easy Go

Easy come, easy go
With wine, women, and song.
Sometimes even with money and time
Or work or school.
But not with what's truly important
To me - happiness and passion,
Family and friends.

Giving, Not Taking

Should I kill anyone,
I will not take their life
But give them their death.

I would not take that which isn't ever meant to be mine,
But give them that which is ultimately to be theirs.

Helping to move them on from this existence
And continuing on the line.

Free And Clear

I'm not feeling guilty anymore.
I'm tired of feeling guilty.
No such feelings any longer.

I'm forgiving myself
And moving on with my life,
Free and emancipated!

Now wiser for the experience,
Stronger the me!
Learning, loving, and truly living.

To My Girls

If you can't be good
Then be good at it,
Each time, with each one
And everywhere.
March to the beat
Of a different drum
And to thine own self be true.
Try not to make any
Promises you're not going to keep
And make your Daddy proud!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

An Understanding

I don't want a girlfriend or mistress

To keep on the side

Because they cost too much hard earned money,

Take up too much precious time.

No, I just want an understanding fuck buddy

Looking for the same and of like mind.

Preferably one who's married,

With children of her own.

So we'll just have a good time,

Then she'll return to her spouse and family

And I'll return to mine.

No single youngsters or twentysomethings

Because they have too many issues, don't understand much.

Give me an older married woman each and everytime,

Perfectly flavored and aged like a fine wine.

Give me the experience, the understanding

Of a true, real, established woman.

No drama queens or dingbats or wackos or

Perpetual adolescents looking for a daddy either.

Just someone seeking good company and good times

If just for a little while.

We'll become the best of understanding hedonistic buddies,



Radiant sunsets explode

In the weeks following

A hurricane, spilling

Brilliant colors across the

Sky. God's consolation

To us after the storm.

I Love Women!

Women are great!

I love women!

My wife's a woman,

My mother's a woman,

My daughters will grow up

And become women!

Many of my best friends

Are women.

My sexual experiences

Have been with women.

I love women,

Even when they hurt me.