Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Congratulations

My heart soars with your accomplishments, your acheivments.

You make your father proud, my daughter.

My joy rises on the wings of

Your well earned success;

Not my dreams or deeds, but yours.

I thank God and I praise Him!

My sincere and earnest prayers heard.

Tears of joy rain on my cheeks,

I allow myself to cry now in this moment.

Your victories make my fight right.

For you, my battles fought hard and won.

Your fathers love and joy expressed here

As only he is able and knows how

In this, your moment and one of many.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

No Easy Answers

What is truth?
Who's truth?
Yours, mine, his, hers?
A truth or the truth?

From what point of view,
Yours, mine, theirs?
All of it or just part of it?
Always or just sometimes?

In what context?
Under what conditions?
Subjectively, objectively, relatively?
Any other -ely or -ism or anything else?

Just questions without
Any easy answers.

Why Can't I Be So Lucky?!

Thumbing through an old issue of Vanity Fair

I stumble across a Lee Miller photograph.

Picnic in Cannes, France 1937.

Three men and two women lounging

In the shade around a low table with

The left overs of food and wine.

All smiles and fun and the women

Are topless and all carefree.

Why can't I be so lucky?

Why can't we have picnics

Half nude in the shade and

All smiles and fun?

What's to keep us from

Really living life today?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our True Love Burns

Our young and early love,

A fire raging out of control!

Full of passion so hot and

Fiery that you are unable

To approach near without

Getting burned or consumed

By the intense heat and roaring flames!

Some time later that fire

Burns less but not less brightly

And can comfortably be

Approached and even tolerated.

Still burning hot, still raging intensely, and

Still full of that young heat and passion.

Even later on, the flames will

Burn to a single glowing ember

Too hot to ever touch, filled with

An eternal heat and passion,

And impossible to extinguish.

Love Lies Dying

Our love lies dying

But not dead.

Seemingly devoid

Of life and passion.

Our hearts beating,

Our lungs breathing.

Living together, but not truly alive;

Alive, but not truly living.

Love impossible to die

Lingers and struggles for

Real life and real living.

Too strong to actually die,

Our love just lies there.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Last Watch I'll Ever Buy!

Citizen ecodrive strapped to my wrist.
Cost too much - way too much;
But, hopefully, it's the last watch
I'll ever buy!
Has all the gizmos I've
Been looking for and
Even some I don't need
Like an alarm and an aternate
Time zone or the 24 hr dial.
All I want is waterproof, rotating bezel,
Stainless steel, day, date, analog
Watch with a second hand and NO BATTERY OR WIND UP!
I'm not asking for much
Or being too picky.
Surely someone makes a
Watch somewhere to
Meet my needs?
I like the dark blue face,
Dana chose that.
Thank God it's paid for now.

My Masturbation Poem

My dick's in my hand and
I'm furiously jacking off
To an orgasm.
That welcome and familiar
Wave of rush and release.
It's a free and easy way
To pass away the time.
I don't even need you.
After all, masturbation is just
Making love with someone
Who truly loves me!
No sense in wasting away
My morning wood!
I play with myself before
I even get up out of bed,
When I'm alone and bored,
To vent and unload!
Whenever needing to just destress and relax.
Sometimes outside in my backyard
When it's a sunny day and
Even once or twice in the rain.
Always at the nude beach or
In an adult movie theatre
Or if I'm mad!
When cruising internet porn,
Or in the shower, and of course,
In bed before I fall asleep.
Masturbation is fun!
Sometimes when I'm even driving;
Now that takes skill!
If I incorporate it in
Our lovemaking it's a
Jack and jill off
And that's fun too!
What's all the fuss about-
I don't know?
I've been doing it for years
And I enjoy it and it's fun.

One Month Later

One month later after burning my leg

Out on the beach stumbling drunk by the campfire

And I'm sucking back an ice cold beer.

Good thing I heal fast!

Poetic Mood

I'm in a fucking poetic mood

And shitting out poetic gems!

My pen to the paper seems

To be writing itself with an

Energy from within me.

Real masterpieces from deep

Inside my heart, mind, body, and soul.

Pieces of my very self.

A line here, a rhyme there,

Sometimes no form at all.

Just pure poetry.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

This Poet's Prayer

My God in heaven

I praise You, I glorify You,

And I give You thanks!

Thank You for Your gift of poetry

And for making me a poet!

Thank You for words, rythum and rhyme.

Thank You for verses, meter and line.

My gifts for Your greater glory!

Thank You for the rush of words

When they do flow

And thank You for the

Dry spells too.

Have mercy upon me a sinner

And forgive me for misusing

Your gifts when I do.

I pray my work to inspire and entertain and

To bring everyone peace, love, and joy and happiness.

I pray it lasts for Your

Praise and glory forever. Amen!

Mary, Undoer Of Knots

Knots in my life,

Knots in my heart, mind, body, and soul.

Knots upon knots knotting up

And seemingly no place to go!

I drop to my knees

And fall into prayer.

Now I pray each and every day.

It's my love, my labor.

I meditate upon the mysteries,

I implore her help, I ask her to intercede.

Mary, undoer of knots, pray for me!

I pray my rosary daily.

Sometimes it's in a rush,

Sometimes it's in the shower,

Sometimes it's in my car or truck;

Wherever, I'm appealling to God's power!

Sometimes in my prayer, I fall asleep

And I know the Lord my soul to keep.

Sometimes in sunshine,

Sometimes in rain,

My prayer takes away my pain.

Seeking peace and quiet or answers

Or strength or to be lifted up,

I listen for the soft and tender whisper

Coming to me to calm and inspire.

Mary comes to me as she has promised

Whenever sought after.

Just as my mother and grandmothers taught

And as I teach my daughters.

Mary, undoer of knots!

Lift Off!

I've got a rocket

In my pocket

And I'm all poised for launch!

I'm 100% locked and loaded

And I'm ready to rock and roll!

I'm the man for the job all

Ready, willing, and able!

Up in my cockpit

I'm all calm, cool, collected, and capable!

I'm ready for the blast off so

Let the countdown begin!

10 - 9 - 8 -

To boldly go where few

Have gone before,

Blazing new trails

For others to follow and more!

7 - 6 - 5 -

Let the dice fly!

I'm in it all the way

For one hell of a ride!

4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - lift off!

Yee-haw! Yahoo! All that and

I'm sure I'll add more to it!

Shaking and a shimmying

All the way to the top!

Twisting and a turning and

All up and down!

It's a wild ride all the way

More slick than playing twister

All oiled up in the nude!

More fun than two drunk lovers

Tangling under a beach blanket

For a bottle of rum!

So grab a hold, hold on tight,

Just go with it, and

Have a great time!

My Daddy Said!

My Daddy said, "Don't do drugs

Because they'll rule your life!"

My Daddy said, "Don't get a girl

Pregnant because that's the rest of your life!"

My Daddy said, " Get educated so

You won't have to work too hard

As the next guy!" and

My Daddy said, "Have fun!"

My Daddy said, " You can't take it

With you when you die!"

My Daddy said and he tried

As best he could.

He loves us the best

Way he knows how.

One day my own will say,

"My Daddy said!"

The Most Important Men In My Life

My paternal grandfather has passed away

Some 10 years ago and

My father moved out to

New Mexico soon after.

My brother, who lived next door,

Has since moved away to Jasper, Texas.

My one remaining elder, my

Maternal grandfather, now in a nursing home.

The most important men in my life

Now gone or moved away right

When I need them the most.

My safety net gone, I am so utterly alone.

There's a void in and around me,

An emptiness not so easily filled

By cellphone calls or occasional visits.

I'm not a little boy anymore,

But right now, I sure feel like one.

Sometimes lost, sometimes helpless,

But I am my father's son and

My grandfathers did teach me.

So I buck up and I deal and I cope.

I pray and I make it happen, just as

They did and I am my own man.

Grandpa was right, God is

My only friend and stay close to Him

And all I will ever truly have

Are my brothers and sister.

The most important men in my life

Are no longer so physically close

As I would have them be;

But what they taught me and

How they love me and

Their very spirits are with me - always.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Left There Scratching My Chin

Railroad tracks
Running out back
Shaking and shimmying
Beneath the racing train.
My house quakes and quivers
Some as I watch
The train running
East to west or
West to east and
Then back again.
They seem to go faster
And seem to be longer
Than the ones I remember
As a boy counting the cars,
Wondering how far
They would take me away one day.
In the sudden stillness after they're gone,
I'm left there scratching my chin
And trying to recall;
When did they stop
Putting cabooses on the
Ends of these things?

Tender Night

I can feel the soft skin
Of your nipple tighten beneath
The touch of my fingers.

My hand cupping your breast,
Rising and falling to the
Rythum of your breathing.

In the deep and tender stillness
Of the night, I'm up
And watching you sleep.

Unable myself to sleep,
Awake in bed next to you,
Enthralled in this watch I keep.

Poetry In The Nude

Such a sunny spring day,
I'm unable to bear
Being shut up inside.

Gentle breezes blowing,
Whispery clouds flowing,
The sunlight on my face dancing.

My lapboard loaded up
With pens, paper, and my
Imagination; I venture outside.

Into the peacefulness of my
Backyard exploding into
Springtime greens before my eyes.

Pen to paper seems to write itself.
Unaided, words and letters
Flowing into forms all by themselves.

Rythums and rhymes
Come of their own design
And empty sheets of paper quickly fill.

Unburdened of clothes or
Concerns or seemingly anything,
I'm out in the afternoon.

This perfect afternoon,
Perfectly spent out
Writing poetry in the nude.